Cross-T-Squared Affiliate Disclosure

I am pleased to be of service and bring you this suspended ceiling related content completely free of charge for your information, benefit, and to share with others. In order for me to continue to do this, I want to let you know that whenever you click on the affiliate links on this website and purchase items, (in most but not all cases) I will receive a referral commission.

This commission, however, does not influence the information I provide to you at this site. I always give honest, factual opinions and/or reviews and share these with you.

The commission I may receive does not affect the price that you will pay for any item from this site. You will pay the exact same price if you purchase through, or directly from the vendor's site.

The support I receive when you purchase through these links enables me to build the pages, perform the necessary research, and keep this website updated with the valuable, relevant, and the latest information you expect. I do this because I want to positively promote the best suspended ceiling information to my visitors, and I get to have a job that I truly love.

This is my business and I am very proud of the work I do.

Please support these sponsors and recommendations. takes time, effort and money to maintain and to deliver this original content, free, to you. Supporting my sponsors is a WIN-WIN-WIN for you, for me, and for them.

Also, the "Ads by Google" are not selected by me. Google decides what ads to display on the pages, based on the topic of the page. If you happen to see a Google ad and a Web page about the same product or service, it is just a coincidence.

Your purchases and continued support are greatly appreciated.

Curtis Dennis